In this episode of Samasta TV, Robert Butler blows our minds of how he overcame IV meth and IV heroin addiction by telling the judge that he needed to go to prison because that was the only way that he could take time to re-invent himself; that is, to rise from the ashes. From his outstanding story we can draw many lessons for our physical health, business health, and the health of our communities.


The first key to reinvention is that we are the main bottle neck to a lot of our problemsand to the blindness of the solutions to these problems. This off-course is evident in our physical health, mental health, family health, business health and community health. One simple example is that 86% of all chronic disease are caused by life style modifiable habits. Hard to swallow that most of the chronic conditions affecting the world can actually be obliterated if we take simple steps to change mainly two things, our movement and our diet.

The second key to reinvention is that drastic situations take drastic measures. Robert discussed how he talked the judge into putting him in prison so that he would have time to re-invent himself, and to heal his body and his mind. This is a classic example of "pattern interrupt", used a lot by ancient medicine practitioners and which I have learned is a key principle to overcoming illness or even taking our lives in one area from a 9 to a 10.

The third key to reinvention is that the decision to build our value system can mark our future or the future of our companies. Robert took a decision that in his own words:

"I was building my stage."

I think this is a key step to wellness of ourselves and our companies. Deciding to accept that you are sick or that there is an issue, and deciding that you want to it to be better. And realizing that this issue was because we might have not been aware that we were breaking our value system, or that we had not even chosen one. Not doing this will lead us to cause the same symptoms or problems over and over again. This occurs becase we have not taken full account and responsibility of the actions or inactions that cause a specific problem. So looking at the value system that we used to guide ourselves, and to realize that we can build a new value system can be a great catalyst for improvement. And then taking the time to build new habits that will support that value system. "building the stage", if you want to go from here to there, you have to know where here is, and where there is. So by taking this type of extreme ownership and saying this is what I need right now, we can unlock this key to reinventing ourselves in any area of our lives.

The four key, is that there will be distractions and you have to stand your ground to be true to your self. Robert tell us of how drugs were available more in prison and he had to take a forceful stand to stay true to himself. This worked for him and even prevented people to attempt to re-approach him with negative influences into his life.

The fifth key, and I would even venture to say the MASTER KEY is PURPOSE. Robert's lesson reminds me of a book called Man's search for meaning. In this book Viktor frankl. says that it does not matter what happens to us, what matters is the meaning we give it, and whether or not we give it a meaning with a renewed sense of purpose. Robert teaches us that for him all of this was so that he could show others that it was indeed possible to overcome addiction. So when one connects deep trauma or tragedy to a deep purpose, experiential authenticity sets in!!! and we can begin to use the perceived trauma as an asset! Experiential Authenticity is explained well by Neurosurgeon Paul's Kalanithi in his amazing book"when breath becomes air. " In business, this couldn't be more spot on, as we have to be "customer centric" which is exciting because customers can never be fully satisfied, meaning that our purpose is a never ending stand to always add value and improve our customer's experience.

The sixth key is that massive action is the cure all, Robert tells us how most of his time in prison, he was working out and learning about nutrition and fitness. That is, learning his craft and this is now incredible useful as he is now close to receiving his personal training certificate and will be a valuable asset he built to help his clients. Most companies and in most areas of our lives the skills and psychology of the owner is what sabotages the progress of that company or what makes the company thrive. So we can learn from Robert to improve our personal lives, and our fitness and our business life. Work on your skills and your psychology!

The seven key to reinvention is that: sometimes, what you have to write is not a new chapter, but a new book. . . Robert tells us

"I didn't want to be the anything like I used to be, I wanted to be something above and beyond anything I had ever been. "


Thank you Robert, for sharing such an epic story.


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