From the Jetsons to the mainstream

If you are like me,

you remember the time when you watched the jetsons and wondered when all of this technologies would become a reality.


Well, is happening now and technology is having a large impact in how medicine is delivered. Some of the main discussions that are taking place here at the American Telemedicine Association are: telehealth legal issues, reimbursement, innovations in telehealth, how to set up a telemedicine program and discussions of lessons learned from expert leaders.


Furthermore, you will be able to see new innovations and tech discoveries that will help all of us and will become more and more a part of our lives when we are not feeling well.  


Yesterday we learned how to train providers and e-health on telemedicine and today we are learning a practical approach to building a remote monitoring program This information will help with our new projects specially in Boca Chica Colombia with Samasta Health If you want more information about the state of the art equipment and companies in telehealth check out the American Telemedicine Association